I was just trying to import an *.mdb data base from an old Microsoft Access on an Windows XP machine. Tried several tools (e.g. Actual ODBC Driver for Access, MDB Tool - For Microsoft Access etc.) but did nor really work fine. Either the library files are not created, system chrashes with empty tables in the mdb or just one export file format (e.g. *.csv) is provided. As I use R, Excel, QGIS, mySQL and other statistic tools, I am very happy for this solution presented here.
To sum up; it simply works! Furthermore, the design and view-option uncluding the export variability ... simply perfect !
I am happy I gave this one a try; however; I wouldn`t have done so with a price of > 5.00 $. Hence, simply keep the price below 5 bugs !! The letter is why I wrote these lines ...
thx, guys.